Friday, November 11, 2011

Homeless Challenge

So, I've been really getting into Sim Challenges lately so I figured I'd make this blog to post them for others to look out.

First Challenge:
                 Homeless Challenge!

Rules can be found here:

I used Glitzyangle's park found here:

This is Amy Veet. She became homeless when the coffee shop she owned was burned down in a very strange fire. Not being able to work, Amy lost her home and her possessions.
Day 1: $35
While wondering around Riverview I didn't know what to do. I decided I better find someplace to live, this park looked like a wonderful place and I can even learn to fish!
 I guess persistence works I cause my first minnow
 With all the fishing I had done, I decided the best thing to do was find the closest place with a shower and bathroom. I wasn't about the pee in the woods for noone. Lucky for me, the park where I was living had a gym close by with a shower and toilet. Good thing they don't charge!
 After my shower, I realized I was so hungry. With not being able to cook, I found the closest person and mooched for some food, God I was embarrassed!
 Success! Tom was very kind and gave me a vampire blood juice
 Off to bed I went! Park benches aren't the best place to sleep, not very comfy and so cold!

 Day 2: $120
           I figure I best start my day off with some breakfast with the help of a lovely old woman!
 I don't know how she got a microwave meal but it was so yummy!
After that I decided I needed to stop stressing where my next meal came from and have a little naughty fun!

Day 3: $200                     
 While rummaging through the trash at a house next to the gym I found an old guitar I figure If I teach myself maybe I can make some money earning tips! I even found a lot of seeds to start my own garden! I'd say today was a very good day!
Day 4: $200
I decided today since I woke up REALLY REALLY early, I would rummage through some trash cans maybe find some things to sell or use!
 The only thing I found was a ratty old sleeping bag! But it was so comfortable so I took it home and took a nap!
I woke up kinda late, since I was so tired! But I found this community garden. I was able to harvest a few watermelon. I left a lot of stuff though in case I need some more food!
 After finding some good food, I went home and practice my guitar! Gotta make some money some how!
 Day 5:  $266
            After much practicing I was able to preform in the park, that day I made $66 that day!

 Went rummaging again tonight. But got caught....BY a VAMPIRE!
 Once I told her what I was doing though, and of course asked for some food, she gave me some bread and jam and even let me take a bath. I tried sleeping in someone's bed but I got kicked out. Vampires are so picky.
 So I got even and came back and stole her lamp!

 But I started feeling bad and returned it.
Day 6: $1,065
          Went rummaging again, found a rare seed! I planted it. Hoping that it produces some expensive stuff!
Also found a lot of rocks and gems today! I was also able to harvest my garden!

Day 7: $9,140
        Went rummaging again! SCORE! Found some SimLife goggles! Before I sold them, I went on a adventure! I also played for some tips at the gym I reached level 10 in that skill! Didn't make any tips though, I guess I should play more during the day, or in the park!

I decided to go back home that night and roast one of my harvested apples! Hope tomorrow is even greater day!

Day 8: $ 10,982
            I got my metal back today! It costed me $40 but thats okay because those 2 pieces earned me
 $1, 360!
 Then! I woke up and found a paparazzi taking my picture! They said they wanted to do a story about homeless people and how they survive. I just wish he waited for me to get dress and not in my pjs!

I also sold my garden produce and made $482  then played for some tips but didn't make anything.

Day 9: $ 11,186
Sold my produce again today for $238. Not a very active day!

Day 10: $ 11,863 (didn't sell everything that day)
Spent my entire day rummaging. Im so close to the 20k for that new house my mouth is drooling!
I found a few nice things today, heres a list!
125 piles of scrap
2 Wuggle bears
4 Discarded news paper
2 Moon-lit candles
1 Garlic
7 Trash piles
1 Duckworth
1 Copper
1 Tanzanite
1 Ruby
 I needed a shower after this point so I headed to my usual gym and took my shower and ate a couple apples.
I went back to rummaging and then went fishing. Afterwards I was real tired and sold my fish and went to bed.

Day 11: $ 11,839
I ran into Aiden Jones today. He found my story in the news paper, and said he wanted me to come over. We talked a bit about gardening.

Then things started getting a little comfy and held my hand, which then turned to him confessing his love, I thought he really loved me. He even kissed me like he did, at this time I didn't know what he was planning. We went to the bathroom and had a little fun and I left with a stride in my pride.

 That was until I noticed who was walking to the house as I was leaving....His wife...Hannah!

Day 11: $12,083
           I went to sleep crying that night thinking how could Aiden use me like that! Either way I didn't need him! What I needed was to keep my goal in mind and make my 20k for that beautiful house I wanted!
So I set off and sent my metals and jewels to get cut. Hopefully they bring me the last needed money! I also went to the Landgraabs Sell n's Swap shop to see if I could sell the ducky and teddy bears I found!

But he only wanted the garlic I had. So I went to the Everfresh market and looked to see if they wanted my items. Thankfully they did, I made $280 just on rummage! But as I started to leave the store to go home, I didn't feel so good.

Day 12: $12,410
Started today again not feeling so well, Im starting to think I caught the flu from Aiden or sleeping in the rain. But I needed to get everything I needed to get done. First harvesting my produce and playing for tips. I really didn't feel too well to go rummaging through trash with the smell and such! I earned $101 in just tips and even got to eat at a picnic!

 I guess he liked my playing!
Later when I got home I found my garlic had sold for $51 but used most of it to pay bills but I also got my metals and jewels back! I then sold them bringing in all together $ 219!

Day 13: $ 12,550
            Started today, just like every other day, but I begun to notice a small bump under my shirt. So I went out and spent $2 for a new shirt and some pants. I must be gaining weight from only eating fruit and veggies. I mean there really isn't any meat in my diet....well besides the hotdog I ate yesterday! But today I also had to get rid of 2 of my plants that died! I don't know how it happened. :(

Day 14: $ 13, 117
         Started today off by hitting the gym and pumped some iron. Maybe I could loose this little weight I gained! 

But then one of the members yelled at me saying pregnant women shouldn't work out! Pregnant? I told her firmly that I couldn't be pregnant! My life wasn't in order yet, but she said believe me your pregnant and even felt my belly!

So on my way to sell my vegtables, I bought a pregnancy test and took it right there in the store bathroom. Those 5 minutes of waiting for hell for me! But it was true....IM PREGNANT!

Day 14: $ 13,117
           How could I ever raise a baby when I wasn't even living in a home? Thats all I could think about as I stood there. Well, only way I'll ever get enough money is to keep making that money so I started with harvesting my plants, and even went fishing! 

I then started to feel some cramping...and my water broke! Oh nooo the baby was coming and I didn't have a crib or nothing or even a roof! Not having enough money or insurance, I delivered a healthy baby boy! 

 His name is Calvin and that night I promised him that I would go out tomorrow morning and spend a little of my savings and buy him a crib and soon we would buy our home!

Day 15: $ 15,914
This morning I went out and sold my gutair. I bought Calvin his very first crib. When I brought it him he was a very happy baby. So I went about and started harvesting my produce. I also checked the mail and found 3 reward certificates! Fishing, Guitar, Gardening, not having a wall I ended up selling them for $600 each!

Day 16: $18,288
           While Calvin was napping I decide to harvest my produce and sell it, but while there I decided the only way to get out of this park was to start stealing and selling items! So I used a little money and hired some snot nose teen to watch Calvin while I went on a stealing spree!

Cottoneye's house:
Mirror - Reflektor
Simple shower
After I was done with Hunter's house, I went home to take care of my precious baby boy and spent some time with him before bed.

Day 17: $ 19,497
After taking care of Calvin and selling my produce I fished a little until dark came.

 Darla then called inviting me over for a formal party. Telling her I didn't own anything formal she said she'd have something in my mailbox. So I told her once Calvin fell asleep tonight I would come over. What she didn't know was that some of her lovely items would be missing.
Darla's House:
Bloomington Lamp
Lazy Lounger
Feel Good Mirror

 But the Calvin's babysitter called saying he wasn't feeling too well, so I rushed home!

Day 18: $20,093 
This morning after selling my fish and produce, I made my goal! With only one day left until Calvin's birthday I planned to move us in right away. I'd get a real job right away and Calvin's birthday would be amazing! My journey was hard, and long but it was well worth it and taught me to enjoy the little things in life!

+ 62 - 62, 379 Lifetime Happiness
+ 15 - 5 friends/ 3 points each
+ 15 - 3 skills maxed/ 5 points each
+ 06 - 3 points in cooking, 3 in athletic/ 1 point each
98 points total!


  1. Great job on completing this challenge. Maybe you would also enjoy the Rags to Riches Challenge posted at TS3 Creators ' Consortium.

  2. Thanks! I'll check out that challenge next! I'll need something to do tonight lol!
